Fluid Manual Reset (FMR) Feature

DESCRIPTION For use with OCV hydraulic or pneumatic activation deluge valves. Holds deluge valve “open” after initial opening sequence. Re-closes deluge valve by operating local lever. Typically installed on bonnet using solid pipe nipple. Includes red name tag with operation instructions. OPERATION The deluge pilot trips open when air or hydraulic pressure in the sprinkler

Electric Manual Reset (EMR)

For use with OCV electric activation deluge valves. Holds deluge valve “open” after initial opening sequence. Resets deluge valve by operating local lever. Installed between deluge soleniod and accelerator. Includes red name tag with operation instructions. OCV’s Electric Manual Reset (EMR) feature is used on OCV solenoid valves used in deluge and pre-action fire suppression systems. The feature assures that a deluge

Deluge Manual Override Feature

Manually opens deluge valve fully. Installed on the deluge valve bonnet. Includes a red name plate with operational instructions. Used on UL Listed deluge valves. OCV’s Ball Valve Deluge Manual Override Feature is used on deluge valves used in freshwater and saltwater deluge and pre-action fire suppression systems. In the event of a fire, any

1330PSC Pressure Sensitive Close Feature

  Pressure sensitive closing Opens when pressure increases to set point Allows the closing of the valve to be decreased until pressure returns to normal Normally closed Senses pressure increase either at valve inlet or outlet, depending on the application Simple adjustment Parts are replaceable while mounted on the valve Rubber to metal seat for